Create the life you desire by aligning your beliefs with your authentic self.
To have an active role in manifesting and creating a life based on what we desire, it’s necessary to explore our emotions and beliefs behind our emotions. Our emotions reveal our beliefs and our beliefs manifest our reality. Everything we need to transform our reality is within us. When we recognize what beliefs are hindering our ability to manifest what we desire, we can then start to transform those beliefs. I define a limited belief as a belief shaped by human conditioning or from an inflicted emotional wound, which has created a sense of separation towards self and others.
There seems to be something within our core self that knows necessary changes must be made if we are to have the fulfillment we seek. With the idea that our thoughts create our reality, we must look for new ways of thinking that align with a reality we desire to create. If we are to truly change our limited beliefs, we have to understand our emotions. For there is a seed planted within our core self that provides us the ability to dive deep into our emotions, revealing what beliefs need changing, and the ability to change those beliefs. For when our beliefs align with what we desire, we create and co-create the fulfillment we seek.
The Seed of Grace
There is a seed planted within us that allows us the ability to transform our limited beliefs and feel supported while doing so. This seed carries an essence that when sparked, creates the ability to transform our limited beliefs so we feel more love, peace, purpose, and happiness. It’s a part of our identity and its essence is woven throughout our reality. It can be found within the laws that govern the universe and all that reside within it. This seed is the gift that allows us to perceive universal consciousness and oneness, along with the ability of choice, and to create and co-create the lives that we came to experience. It’s very nature is the vehicle that moves us from merely responding to our survival needs to thriving in a higher state of consciousness. This essence is found within love, the greatest energetic vibration. Some might say that this essence is love, but the one thing that sets it apart from love is the ability for it to be experienced within that which is not love. When this seed’s essence is fully grasped and embodied, it provides the ability to transform our limited beliefs to align with our authentic self. Our authentic self responds from a state of oneness and love. It’s our soul and who we are separate from any conditioned and restrictive beliefs that come with being human.
Transforming our limited beliefs needs continuous discipline and self-awareness. It’s through the discipline of processing our emotions that a heightened self-awareness surfaces. By becoming self-aware, we gain the knowledge of any damaging and restrictive beliefs, which provides us the choice of which belief we desire to align with. When our beliefs are transformed to align with our authentic selves, we experience a sense of freedom and fulfillment. This seed within us that empowers our ability to transform limited beliefs and move us towards our authentic selves is grace.
The Authentic Self
Grace becomes a powerful tool when used with conscious intention to heal and transform our limited beliefs. When we consciously choose to dive into our beliefs surrounding our emotions and its triggers, grace is present to assist us in navigating stronger, more challenging emotions. It takes an emotional deep dive if we are to become aware and transform any limited beliefs. When we embrace the grace found within ourselves, we find self-awareness, courage, strength, understanding, and ability to transform. As we process challenging emotions, it’s important to take time to focus on the more desirable emotions we want to experience. The desirable emotions that we seek stem from Love. Love is always found resonating in alignment with our authentic selves and is experienced through positive feelings of peace, connection, happiness, purpose, and so on. Love is experienced first within the self and then extends naturally outside the self. It’s expressed in a multitude of ways depending on our abilities, talents, and desires. The contrast of love, the more challenging emotions stem from what is not in alignment with our authentic selves. We experience this contrast when we feel fear, separation, hatred, rejection, anger, jealousy, and so on. To shift into a space where we feel more desirable emotions, we must believe and act in alignment with our authentic selves. It’s our limited beliefs that keep us repeating cycles that only perpetuates more challenging emotions. A challenging emotion always stems from a belief that is held about the self or a situation that is not in alignment with our authentic selves.
Human conditioning and emotional wounding, creates a need to rediscover our authentic selves and bring us back into wholeness of self. It can be difficult to break old cycles and transform our limited beliefs with the gravitational pull our egos feel towards what is perceived as familiar and controllable for our physical survival. One function of the ego is to trigger fear when external stimulus is perceived as an uncontrollable or an unavoidable threat. However, personal transformation occurs when we step into the unknown, to experience something that carries an element of unpredictability and stretches us beyond our comfort zones. Our fears must be explored if we are to recognize and then decide which beliefs need transforming to align us with our authentic selves. We will always find the spark of grace present, providing us the wisdom and strength for such a transformation.
Transformation is a must if we are to move beyond our basic survival needs to a more conscious way of life. A process of evolution is explained nicely by Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The Hierarchy of Needs resembles a pyramid, with it’s base being that of survival or psychological needs, on up through safety and security, love and belongings, self-esteem, and finally obtaining self-actualization. One must progress up this pyramid, satisfying lower-level needs (safety and security) before addressing needs that occur higher in the pyramid (love, self-esteem, and self-actualization). When we ignore our emotions and continue to choose beliefs that enable old cycles, we focus solely on lower-level needs and run the risk of not moving towards self-actualization. The core of who we are desires self-actualization, for this provides us with a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It is through this experience of self-actualization that we align with our authentic selves. Our authentic selves are rooted in love of oneself, with the capacity and desire to extend that love creatively and gracefully to others and one’s environment. Grace helps us move beyond solely focusing on our survival needs, assisting us in our process to achieve self-actualization that aligns us with our authentic selves. To achieve self-actualization, we must dive deep into our emotions. This emotional deep dive increases self awareness and illuminates any limited beliefs that need to be transformed.
The Deep Dive
Emotions, at times, can be complex and confusing. When operating within lower-level needs, we often make decisions and react in the moment based on the most immediate emotion felt. Each emotion has an underlying belief and some beliefs stem from a place of wounding or environmental conditioning, which are not in alignment with our authentic selves. When we merely act from our most immediate emotions, we only perpetuate old cycles that keep us stuck in lower-level needs.
We have been conditioned to escape or avoid our more challenging emotions, and have not been taught the emotional intelligence skills needed to process such emotions. We may find ways to escape challenging emotions, mostly to obtain a more desirable emotion. Escaping to a more desirable emotion is only a temporary fix and fails in comparison to a more authentic, self-actualized way of feeling and being. Avoiding our emotions altogether will result in a lack of self awareness on who we are and what we desire out of life. It takes the self-awareness that is gained from exploring our emotions to transform our limited beliefs and align with our authentic selves. If we are to learn how to explore our more challenging emotions, we must find a way to bring clarity and understanding to those emotions. Navigating challenging emotions becomes easier when we learn how to observe our emotions from a more detached, emotionally neutral space. To observe our emotions from such a space will help us gain the clarity needed to explore and learn about our beliefs. Within the ability to observe our emotions and thoughts, we must release any resistance or judgement we hold towards our emotions and beliefs. If we resist or judge parts of ourselves, we create separation within the self and will struggle to live in accordance with our authentic selves. It’s through grace we find the ability to move past judgement and into full acceptance of ourselves. When we come to accept and forgive all that is found within, even the parts we consider unworthy of grace, we begin to understand what it means to be in alignment with our authentic selves. For it’s the very act of forgiveness of self and others that provides proof that grace is actively present.
There’s a law of duality within our universe, that when fully grasped and understood, can help us accept all parts of the self. Grace provides us the ability to embrace and understand that this law is unavoidable and a necessary component that creates our 3D physical reality. We see this law within the contrast of day and night, feeling happy and then sad, the experience of good and evil, between order and chaos, and so on. We must understand that without experiencing the contrast of opposites, we would not have the understanding of either aspects of the contrast. For example, we would not understand what daylight is without experiencing darkness or understand justice without knowing injustice. We must experience the contrast of each opposite to compare the duality. This comparison between opposites helps us become aware of what we desire to align with because of the emotions that arise from the experience of contrast.
The lesson
Grace becomes a powerful tool when we live within its essence. We know we are living through grace when we can begin to accept and forgive the negative aspects of duality within ourselves and others. Grace provides us clarity and insight into our limited beliefs from observing our more challenging emotions. When we gain clarity, it’s through grace we begin to discover and choose beliefs that are more in alignment with our authentic selves. When our beliefs align with our authentic selves, we embody the power to create and co-create the lives that bring us the fulfillment we seek.
1. Acknowledge that grace is a part of you. Grace allows you the ability to align with your authentic self.
Affirmation: “I am the expression of grace.”
2. Embrace grace and the strength it provides when deep diving in your emotions. Grace helps you make peace with negative emotions.
Affirmation: “I am not defined by what I feel and can choose which beliefs I will align with.”
3. Transform with grace. Grace will assist you through the process of healing and aligning with your authentic self.
Affirmation: “I am whole and complete.”
4. Be grace. Grace allows you to embody forgiveness, to create and co-create the life that aligns with your authentic self.
Affirmation: “I create a life that is in alignment with my higher good.”
(August 2021)
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